Drug Addiction Rehab In Colorado Springs
Rehabs are facilities that provide care and treatment to clients in a residential setting. clients stay at the treatment centers for the duration of the treatment program. Depending on the level of care at the facility and the severity of the addiction, treatment may either be short-term or long-term.
The benefits of an drug rehab are that you are separated from physical triggers and distractions, allowing you to focus on your recovery.
Residential Drug Rehab Features
Home-Like Residence
This in-house treatment facility is a private facility specially designed to treat clients with a more compassionate and personalized approach.
Evidence-Based Therapies
Evidence-based therapies are research-supported, science-based, and have a record of observed successful outcomes. The following techniques are used in addiction treatment.
- REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy): Talk therapy that replaces irrational, self-defeating thoughts with better, more positive thoughts.
- CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): Talk therapy that focuses on changing how you think about people, places, and situations so you can better cope with them.
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): A psychotherapy technique that desensitizes clients to past traumatic events by presenting images and therapy.
Continuing Care
Drug addiction recovery is a long-term process that doesn’t end when you leave the rehab facility. Before you go, we refer you to an intensive outpatient program (IOP) for aftercare to maintain sobriety after rehab. Aftercare entails:
- Individual and group counseling sessions.
- Equipping you with coping practices and skills to help you maintain sobriety.
- Support groups.
- Sober living arrangements.
- Ongoing monitoring and follow-up calls.
Alumni Support
The main aim of alumni support is to strengthen your recovery. The alumni program will provide you with encouragement and hope from others who empathize and understand your struggles.
Alumni support offers hotlines, email and social media connections where you can reach out and get help if you’re in a crisis.
Specialized Drug Treatment
Below are the reasons why our residential drug rehab is effective:
- Successful outcomes.
- Personalized care, attention, and treatment to our clients.
- Medical detox programs that are closely monitored by our qualified professionals to ensure that the process is as safe as possible.
- Short-term and long-term rehab programs, depending on your needs.
- Specialized attention and treatment for co-occurring disorders.
- Relapse prevention activities to help you maintain your sobriety.
- Family involvement to support you in your recovery journey.
- Referral to aftercare programs after you’ve completed rehab.
What Should You Expect in A Drug Rehab?
Our residential rehab is very organized and structured. A typical day will involve:
- An early meeting with a therapist or counselor after a wholesome and healthy breakfast.
- After lunch, intensive treatment and therapeutic sessions commence.
- In the afternoon, you will have free time for a few hours where you can choose an activity of your liking.
- After dinner, you will participate in a short group meeting before bedtime.
Should You Go to A Drug Rehab?
Rehab programs offer intensive treatment programs. They allow you to focus on your recovery without distractions.
Consider drug rehab if you are struggling with:
- Alcoholism: The withdrawal symptoms of alcohol can be painful, severe, and potentially fatal. A residential rehab will help you get medically supervised detox and research-based treatment.
- Opioid addiction: Opioid addiction requires long-term addiction treatment in an rehab to help prevent the high cases of relapses.
- Mental Health Illnesses: Many people with drug addiction problems also have co-occurring disorders. These disorders need to be managed and treated by qualified professionals. Clients with co-occurring disorders also require close monitoring at all times, so a residential rehab would be the ideal option.
- Polysubstance Abuse: Drug combinations are complex and need specialized care. To effectively treat this kind of addiction, rehabs come highly recommended.