The Difference Between OxyContin And Oxycodone
are becoming epidemics in this nation and it is very alarming. This is something that needs addressed immediately. This nation is experiencing more alcohol and drug addictions than any other time during this country’s history. The CDC or Center for Disease Control and Prevention has labeled the nation’s addiction issue as a severe epidemic during 2012. One of the primary concerns in this area is the opioid addictions. OxyContin and Oxycodone are the two most commonly abused prescription pain medications. SAMHSA has also proved that alcohol and drug addictions are worse than ever before. More people are developing addictions to alcohol or drugs every year compared to the amount who can overcome an addiction.
One of the largest problems faced in this day and age regarding alcohol and drug addictions is the fact these addictions are appearing in more forms than ever before. In the past, there were only a few substances abused. Today, hundreds of substances are out there being abused. What does this mean? It means this nation has a severe issue with substance use disorder and addiction that requires are more direct approach. If you have become addicted to OxyContin, Oxycodone or other substances,we can help.
Oxycodone and OxyContin are two of the drugs which have been abused than most others in the recent twenty years. While these drugs are similar, there are ways in which they are different as well. What differences are there between these two drugs?
What Should Be Known About Oxycodone and OxyContin Addictions?
The one main difference between Oxycodone and OxyContin is that OxyContin is made with an additive. This changes the time release of the drug. This basically means someone who is using Oxycodone will have side effects at once. Those who are using OxyContin may have the side effects over a period of time. This means those using OxyContin won’t have the need to take it quite as much.
If you have an Oxycodone or OxyContin addiction, inpatient alcohol and drug rehab centers have a program which might benefit you. If you attend the drug rehab center program, you can address the issues related to your addiction properly. You can learn to get rid of factors in your life that lead to you abusing drugs as well.
Can You Overcome Addiction With The Help Of A Rehab Center?
While addictions to OxyContin and Oxycodone are very tough to overcome, it is still possible to accomplish. When attending a rehab center treatment program, you can learn how to cope better with all life throws at you. We can recommend treatments that can help you the most. Even if you have a more severe addiction, you can still get the help needed to address the addiction.
One of the main goals of an addiction rehab center is to help recovering addicts live a life without harmful substances. However, that is not the only goal of treatment. Most recovering addicts can’t just stay clean and sober for long, without having more positive habits and coping skills in their life. It is important to be more aware of your lifestyle habits and what needs to change. When attending an addiction rehab center program, you can learn these things and much more.
If you are looking for help to overcome an addiction or you know someone who needs this, get a hold of the addiction rehab center today. Anyone who has an addiction to OxyContin or Oxycodone can get the treatment they need. Head down the road to recovery starting right now. Take that first step.